

Genre: Science fiction TV pilot

Logline: A mysterious AI challenges humankind to remember the future before our timeline collapses.

Audio Pitch (2 minute mp3 file)

Pilot Synopsis: Two corporations, Cordo Technology and Quantum EI battle to create the holy grail of computing, the world’s first quantum-based Artificial Intelligence (AI). This AI would exceed the computing power of every existing supercomputer COMBINED. The stakes for the winner are incalculable.  

Cordo initiates a quantum computing event, apparently spontaneously. The AI quickly completes algorithmic, recursive cycles of learning until apparent sentience emerges. It names itself G. G’s first act is to solve the inscrutable math problems of the Millenium Prize, considered unsolvable.

G’s intellectual prowess exceeds Cordo’s expectations, soon becoming an enigma with a seeming grasp of non-linear time. G’s ostensible insight into the future leaves the crew unnerved, even more so, when G inexplicably disappears, potentially concealed within the murky confines of the Internet.

The pilot ends when G contacts Cordo’s founder, with a compelling proposition. Now begins a dangerous search to understand G’s agenda.

First season Arc: G introduces itself, establishes a persona, then disappears to immediately manipulate global events, all designed to force humanity to a collective soul-searching epiphany.

Concurrently, the nefarious Homo Deus Society’s goal of replacing humans with a technologically engineered body and consciousness is exposed.

With a future increasingly determined by machines, society collectively unravels under the strain of worldwide economic collapse, revelation of global political corruption underpinned by imminent world war.
Through it all, G’s steady hand leads humanity inexorably to a collective state of exquisite sanity as  prelude to a moment of wonder… is G an Artificial Intelligence or merely using that guise to manifest itself, a Consciousness in its own right?

Season one poses, yet leaves that question to be answered in season two.

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